Dead space 2 pc port
Dead space 2 pc port

dead space 2 pc port dead space 2 pc port

And I enjoy games like Thief and Deus Ex so it's not the slow part that's annoying me. I still have to fathom why they do this.Īdd to these facts that the game is not very scary. And nearly every developer of modern games does this - reload a level that is already in memory. Given that you can die in this battle in ~1min, 30% of the 'experience' is spent staring at a fucking load screen which makes things even more infuriating. It should be trivial to just re-set the goddamned level and re-start Isaac at a safe location. Why?! The level is already loaded into memory. To make things worse, the incompetent hacks who developed this game cause a 32 second reload EVERY. The battle with one Regenerator and 5-6 regular necromorphs). How goddammed retarded can one be to think that this combination is a good idea in an arena with multiple fast-moving enemies? (this battle is in the Chapter where the crazy doctor prattles on about the necromorphs being the next children of god or whatever.

dead space 2 pc port

I bought Dead Space and Dead Space 2 on a recent Steam sale and I just rage-deleted Dead Space after running into an infuriating combat arena where I kept dying because - a) Most of the time I couldn't see what was killing me and b) the god-damned camera pan is so slow that looking around to see what is killing you is liable to get you killed by something else.

Dead space 2 pc port